Tuesday 12 July 2011

Fibromyalgia Sucks!

Since I suffer with fibromyalgia I thought that I'd try and describe, every now and then, what it is like to live with it and how it affects my life day to day.

I am not medically trained in any way so I'll say here and now that sometimes it is quite difficult to accurately describe the symptoms but I can only do my best.

In my legs, especially in my shins most days, and joints I endure a pain that is like a dull, dental, ache which very occasionally becomes a sharp and sudden pain with no forewarning. I also feel a painful sensation akin to when one stretches a muscle and feels the ache. However, it's as if that ache just goes on and on with no release. It can seem especially bad at night when I am attempting to sleep. This may seem so because, without any other distraction to take your attention, you can notice the pain more. I may be wrong but it certainly is a form of torture, believe me.

The condition has also affected my mobility and flexibility. I was never the most bendy of people but I can say that once upon a time I was quite flexible. Nowadays, however, that flexibility is a distant memory. a simple example is that I find it painful and rather difficult to spread my fingers wide and straight and cannot create a strong fist. My grasp on objects has also been affected and I must take care when picking up objects. This especially makes things like cooking and showering an adventure!

On the funny side, my joints and bones pop and crunch when I move which can often amuse me. I have no idea why.
I guess it's better to laugh than cry, right?

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